Digital Radiography

At MDC, we are no longer using traditional dental X-ray films and chemical processing technology. Rather we use the more recent digital X-ray imaging system, where special sensors replace X-ray films and the images are digitally produced directly on our computer screens. Thus, our patients are better served in many ways

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1- Digital Radiography And Dental Ct

1- More time saving.
2- Better image quality for more accurate diagnosis
3- Reduces patient radiation exposure by 90% , and thus gives you better safety.
4- More reliable measurements for root canals and Implants.
5- Greater help for our patients in understanding their cases and participating in treatment decisions, with the help of intra-oral cameras.

2- Implant Surgical Insertion Phase :

3d Cone Beam Ct And Digital Panoramic Imaging: New
This Most Up To Date Facility Enables 3d Imaging Of Teeth And Their Supporting Bones Of The Jaws That Can Help Better Diagnosis And Treatment Planning For Our Patients With The Least Amount Of Radiation Exposure At The Following Fields
1- Dental Implants: Cbct Is A Revolutionary Diagnostic Tool For More Precise And Predictable Results And Easier Case Presentation To The Patient And Treatment Planning And Follow Up.
2- Impacted Wisdom Teeth And Other Impactions Evaluation
3- Fractures Of The Jaws
4- Cysts And Tumors
5- Orthognathic Surgeries
5- Periodontal Diseases
6- Root Canal Challenging Cases

Digital Radiography 2

Dr. Mohamed Elbarody Hase been through a lot of Implant systems (brands) from several countries throughout their many years of exceptional experience in the field. At Barody Dental Center, we choose only the best Implants well known worldwide for their quality and reliability in restoring teeth and preserving your tissues.

Discussing the situation with our patients, we usually choose between the German Dentaurum Tiologic Implants® and the Swiss Strauman Implants both from market leading companies with a lot of serious scientific Research and Development behind the product. The Swiss Strauman SLA Active implant® is a state-of-the-art revolutionary product meant to give best possible results. At Maadi Dental Center, we coup with the international best Implant success rates of 97%

To learn More :   Click Here

Dr. Mohamed Elbarody Hase been through a lot of Implant systems (brands) from several countries throughout their many years of exceptional experience in the field. At Barody Dental Center, we choose only the best Implants well known worldwide for their quality and reliability in restoring teeth and preserving your tissues.

Discussing the situation with our patients, we usually choose between the German Dentaurum Tiologic Implants® and the Swiss Strauman Implants both from market leading companies with a lot of serious scientific Research and Development behind the product. The Swiss Strauman SLA Active implant® is a state-of-the-art revolutionary product meant to give best possible results. At Maadi Dental Center, we coup with the international best Implant success rates of 97%

To learn More :   Click Here