تقويم الأسنان

شهدت تقنيات تقويم الأسنان تطورًا كبيرًا منذ أن بدأنا في عام 1984. يقدم الآن البروفيسور د. كبودان، والدكتورة نوران (دكتوراه)، والدكتور غلام (ماجستير) ثلاثة أنظمة تقويم ثورية:

مشاهدة فديو

1- نظام Damon، وهو نظام تقويم ذاتي الربط يتطلب وقت علاج أقل ولا يحتاج إلى خلع الأسنان .


2- تقويم ICE، وهو تقويم شفاف يوفر مظهرًا جماليًا أفضل، إذا كنت تفضل عدم استخدام التقويم التقليدي .


3- يمكننا أيضًا تعديل اصطفاف أسنانك بدون تقويم معدني باستخدام K Line ALIGNERS .


Dr. Mohamed Elbarody Hase been through a lot of Implant systems (brands) from several countries throughout their many years of exceptional experience in the field. At Barody Dental Center, we choose only the best Implants well known worldwide for their quality and reliability in restoring teeth and preserving your tissues.

Discussing the situation with our patients, we usually choose between the German Dentaurum Tiologic Implants® and the Swiss Strauman Implants both from market leading companies with a lot of serious scientific Research and Development behind the product. The Swiss Strauman SLA Active implant® is a state-of-the-art revolutionary product meant to give best possible results. At Maadi Dental Center, we coup with the international best Implant success rates of 97%

To learn More :   Click Here

Dr. Mohamed Elbarody Hase been through a lot of Implant systems (brands) from several countries throughout their many years of exceptional experience in the field. At Barody Dental Center, we choose only the best Implants well known worldwide for their quality and reliability in restoring teeth and preserving your tissues.

Discussing the situation with our patients, we usually choose between the German Dentaurum Tiologic Implants® and the Swiss Strauman Implants both from market leading companies with a lot of serious scientific Research and Development behind the product. The Swiss Strauman SLA Active implant® is a state-of-the-art revolutionary product meant to give best possible results. At Maadi Dental Center, we coup with the international best Implant success rates of 97%

To learn More :   Click Here